Wednesday, July 27, 2005

How do YOU communicate your love to God? And how do you feel God communicates love to you?

Welcome to this awesome blog site! Where we share, learn, listen and live our God journey every day! If you are new on this site, read the very bottom post and you will see what we are all about. The above question came up on our last post, so I thought I would highlight it for all of us! Come on in and enjoy conversation with those who love to explore their relationship with our loving God!

Feel free to give life examples of how you have communicated with God through your life and how God has communicated with you! It is so cool to learn and support each other on this journey of life. We are all on the road TOGETHER!

I come on every couple of days and just share about my day, so you get a feel of what a Catholic sister does in the ole' day to day. I am excited about the many young women that are coming into religious life and I feel blessed to be here to listen and walk with them! I believe they are drawn to our sense of shared prayer and community life which have been a special gift to us passed on through the ages by the many wonderful spiritual women that have gone before us!

Feel free to come on any time and ask a question or make a comment on your faith experience of our awesome God!
God's peace and special blessings, your justbebecky :)


Blogger Pia's Pals said...

God communicates in so many different ways. One I fondly remember was when I was feeling kind of lonely and down and I asked God if he could send me a rose. The day went on and I actually kind of forgot about it, and as I was sitting at my desk, rather spacing out, my eyes fell upon an old picture I had on my desk of my Mom, Dad and was taken outside and the background was all green foilage except for one red rose just over me! My eyes filled and so did my heart.

Our God is so good at communicating well as support, challenge, help, just "being with" us when needed, or God is seemingly absent because "we" are so far away from who we really are and yet our God just sits in the hearth of our hearts and awaits our eventual return.

How does your God communicate?

4:01 PM  
Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Begrateful, Welcome!!! I love your experience of God in the day to day, you sure are aware of God's presence in ALL you are and what you do!

Just want to let all of my blog friends know that I am going on a 30 day silent retreat come August and I am so excited about it:) I am making my 25th Jubilee this Spring 2006, and so is the practice here we are offered a 30 day retreat to celebrate some time with our loving Lord before our community celebration!!!

I figure the Lord has blessed me with so much for my 53 wonderful years of life, I can take 30 days with him just to say, "Thank You" and "I Love You."

So I have invited "begrateful" to take the blog for the next 30 days. She is one of our Dominican sisters, awesome in every way! I think you will enjoy hearing her "day to day" events as well as her vocation journey before she entered with us 5 years ago. She has made temporary profession and is living the vows, lives with our sisters in community and has a ministry with us! Feel free to ask her to share her story, too! It is quite an interesting one:)

I hope to get on one more time before I begin my retreat on August 5th!
As always you are in my prayers with love and joy,
your justbebecky :)

1:23 PM  
Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Know of my love and prayer for you as I am on my way to my 30 day retreat! Just know that someone is praying for you, so if things get hard just stop and think, "Wait! Justbebecky is praying for me. I'll get through this!"! And, you will.

Thanks again to "begrateful" for sharing her time with you! You will enjoy visiting with her and asking her questions. She is a kick! (all in the right direction:)

God's peace and love is with you, just breathe it all in! Always, your justbebecky:)

9:29 PM  

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